Our PSHE and Relationships Education is divided into three main subject strands: Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World and Relationships. We teach all content in an age and developmentally appropriate way and regularly use story books, scenarios and drama to support our pupils in learning about events and situations which they may not have experienced before. 

We plan adaptable lessons to meet the needs of our wide range of pupils and have a flexible approach to respond to situations that can occur day to day. The statutory content in Relationships Education is taught sensitively and inclusively, with respect to the backgrounds and beliefs of pupils and parents while always with the aim of providing pupils with the knowledge they need to be safe and healthy. Alongside teaching explicit PSHE and Relationships Education lessons, we also support our children’s personal development throughout our values-led curriculum and daily school life. This includes making use of assemblies, circle time and awareness days and weeks (such as Anti Bullying).

Charities such as the NSPCC are utilised to support our curriculum and visitors from organisations are invited in to talk to pupils. This allows us to raise our children’s awareness of how charities can support and help themselves and others in times of need. 

PSHE and RSE Curriculum Documents

Knowledge Progression Map

Knowledge Organisers

2022 / 2023 Year A

2023 / 2024 Year B

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